Forums / Roleplaying / Simply a Story

Simply a Story
07:25:10 May 11th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:


Dear Reader,

Half of the whole year was spent plowing the fields and cultivating the land. We toiled for what seemed like ages, rocks and briars making deep cuts into the legs and feet. I would have told everyone that moving here, in this valley was a bad idea, but thought better of it and decided that even though I might have been right, it would have been our death if we hadn’t moved.

Green fields and what seemed like an ocean of hills was the vista that we encountered day by day. Tall trees sprouted near the stream that we had established our small village at. And even though I doubted it, I have to confess, the labor that we undertake is worth the beauty that is witnessed here.

We ignite fires by night from fear of wolfs that roam these hills, and other dangers. A perimeter of watch towers dotting the hills surround us, enveloping us in grim hope that what we fear will not pay a visit. The thing that we fear is what we ran from in the first place. The horrible men that burned our homes back in the city of our great lord, a great man of honor, who enjoyed the presence of even a homeless person. The great man died of old age, and his rival Mindoro with his cursed knights burned our homes once they learned of the death of our lord. Two years we served under his command, more like slave then a servant. Two solid years did we bleed and undergo torture under his cruel hands. Men and women, including children were forced to work in the mines. Soldiers stood watch over us, eager for the chance to catch us doing something wrong. Those cruel men beat us till we could not stand anymore. So many people died.

There was one time however, when we were a great people. There was prosperity in every home, the cellars were stuffed to capacity. And everyone one was happy, until that one day where the streams of tears ran down our cheeks freely. And that was the last free act we performed before we were taken. And this is the story that will be recalled, even though I resent the thought of repeating it.

Tell me if you are interested in hearing more of it. it is a story i am writing currently, and have quite a bit of it completed.

13:44:06 May 11th 09 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomlol:


16:10:05 May 11th 09 - Mr. Bragi:

yes :D

16:27:21 May 11th 09 - Mr. Reborn Himanil V:


21:08:07 May 11th 09 - Mr. Paracelzus:

The great Escape is the name of it.

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